Queens! Your best bet routine to start getting in the best shape of your life.

4 min readNov 24, 2021

Hello Queens, we all know how much you love your bodies and would love to keep a marvelous shape so as to look really good, but many are. sceptical, confused and even clueless as to how to go about it that’s why we are here to bail you out. Here are easy to practice workout routines to assist you on your fitness journey and help you reduce that big tummy you have started developing.


I think personally one thing that can help in your fitness journey is to identify the reason why you have to do it and the question is why do i need to get rid of my belly fat? The truth is that as we grow older we begin to see an increase of belly fat being collected along the waistline and this is because as we age the muscle mass decreases while the fat increases. Having ugly belly fat could make you feel more self-conscious and. I could remember wearing body hug gowns and always trying to make sure my tummy doesn’t bulge in it , many of us feel the same way and even while putting on your favourite trousers and you find out its has become. ill-fitted why not take the decision to shed those fat today before it worsens and just to help our understanding on belly fats we have to know that there are two types of belly fat ;

  • The subcutaneous and,
  • The visceral belly fat

The visceral body fat is actually the fact that’s around the organs and it could be very dangerous to a woman’s health while the subcutaneous belly fat is the fat which is easier to see and can be felt when you pinch the skin and tissue of the tummy together, you mostly see them folding over each other.

Now to the main reason we’re here, the exercises you could use to reduce them. Although scientific study has proven that there is no such thing as spot reduction, meaning that you cannot pick one specific part of your body and decide to loose fat there. You will have to loose fat all over your body in order to see reduction in your specific point. Nevertheless, it is possible.

Follow me as we enjoy each routine together. Rooting for you!! The most interesting part is that you could get active even from the comfort of your home you don’t even need to have loads of equipment before you can carry out the routines. if there’s a particular equipment you think you need you could even look around the house and actually improvise.

This routine will consist of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as well as bodyweight exercises to help tone you up and leave you feeling better at the end of each workout. I would suggest you find a hobby to keep you active. Maybe swimming, cycling or even group training to help you stay motivated throughout your journey. Now, your exercises…

Workout summary

Time: 30–45 minutes

Level: Beginner

Frequency: 3–4 times per week

Gender: Female

Equipment: Jump rope, timer and dumbbells


Perform slowly for maximum results
  • 2 sets of 12 repetitions


Choose a light and controllable weight. Squeeze your back at the top of each rep and lower the weights all the way at the bottom.
  • 2 sets of 12 repetitions


Challenge yourself, try performing an extra rep at the end of each set.
  • 2 sets of 10 repetitions


Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
  • 3 sets of 10 repetitions


Perform slowly and control each rep
  • 2 sets of 10 repetitions

Take about 2–3 minutes rest

Perform the following exercises with a timer.


30 seconds


30 seconds


1 minute

Repeat this circuit for one more round


Consistency will yield results. Be patient and trust the process and I promise you, you will love the results. Make sure to cross check your diet and eat healthy as that will make all the difference. If you don’t know how, read this. I look forward to seeing your results!

With that being said, this brings us to the end of the story, i hope you enjoyed it and will give it a try. Be sure to give it a like and drop your comments below. Follow us on our social media platforms and i will see you in the next post.

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By Elizabeth suuru and Opia Precious.

Stan Browney Brad Smith Brad Stulberg Pete Ross Wall Street Journal

