How many of these myths do you still believe?

4 min readSep 9, 2022

The fitness industry is constantly evolving and new researches are being conducted even at this point. Although most people stick to their previous knowledge of what they think is perfect without the intention of learning. Staying in the dark especially with something that involves your overalls health is a very bad place to be! Today i will be going over a few myths which most people might still believe in. Let’s get started!

Myth: You can spot reduce fat

Just Incase you’re wondering what spot reduction means, it simply entails targeting a specific part of your body to loose fat. Now, there is no way you will be able to do this even if you decide to do a thousand crunches daily, it won’t work. It is a basic beginner belief that needs to go away. People contact me saying they need a way to just reduce the fat around their arms or their stomach and I always smile before I respond. You have to loose fat all over your body and then that specific area can slowly follow along. Lastly, the abdominal region is the last place fat comes off so be patient and trust the process and your results will surely come.

Myth: Exercise can erase a bad diet

Oh no! You cannot outrun a bad diet no matter how hard you try. You are exactly what you eat so if you want to look good, eat right and if you do otherwise, you will look… well otherwise. No matter how hard you train or how consistent you are, your foods are everything so make changes to your diet and make it something you can be consistent with and you will see changes.

Myth: You can turn fat to muscle

This is impossible on every level. Fat cells cannot in any way be converted to muscle fibers. Fat cells grow when a person is in a caloric surplus and the excess calories are not used for energy. They store up and it just adds size and mass to your body. Fat cells are larger than muscle cells. For example, 2kg of fat is visibly bigger than 2kg of muscle. In no way can one be transformed to the other because their structures are completely different.

Myth: You need to exercise for hours

Long and painful workouts is just wrong. You will end up stressing your body and might give up even before your journey begins. Short and effective workouts are the way to go. Next time you go to the gym, go with a plan, know what muscle groups you would be training for that day and know the exercises to do. Smash them and get packed up. Repeat this routine every time you exercise and i assure you, your results will come in.

These are some of the most common fitness myths that may hinder your progress at the gym. Get past these and see the difference it makes in your training. Comment below how many you believed in or about any questions you might still have and i will be sure to reply.

With that being said, this brings us to the end of the story, i hope you enjoyed it iand will give it a try. Be sure to give it a like and drop your comments below and i will see you in the next post.

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Brad Stulberg Pete Williams Stan Browney

